In Jordan's most recent class he set us the task of making main colour keys from our favourite thumbnail. I decided to work on a digital version of a design I came up during the lesson, which is this one:
I really like this design, and I wanted to try out doing it digitally and applying different colours, so this was the perfect opportunity. I was a bit apprehensive when I started in Photoshop, because although I love colour, I'm not very good at applying it myself. First, I started out by colouring the grass green, huts brown, e.t.c, but I realised that wasn't the right way to go about it. Instead, I decided to make everything greyscale to help me a bit. I really enjoyed it after that, and the picture progressed quickly. I was really amazed at how much simpler it was to understand light and shadow when just using greys, and when I finished I felt a lot more confident in my abilities. Here is my finished greyscale image.
It's still a little empty, it needs more platforms, houses, and I'd like to include some tall trees (with vines possibly) too. Now I'm working on just one city instead of trying to come up with ideas for all of them, I've had a lot more time to think about what I want Zenobia to look like. The main ideas I have floating about in my head at the moment is how the inhabitants will get around: my favourite thoughts have been that they use big kites to fly with, or slides! I also want to include a kind of food source in the city - how are they getting their food when up above the ground? I still have a lot to think about! Anyway, enough rambling, here's the colour keys I've developed from my greyscale image.
I think I learnt a lot more from colouring the greyscale Zenobia than from doing the new ones. Nevertheless, the colour keys aren't bad, even if they are a little plain. I want to work with more natural colours so I want to start focusing on browns and greens, with maybe some contrasting colours to make the city pop out a bit more. I'm still a bit new to gradient maps and colour keys so these ones aren't great, but at least they're a start. My next stage is to come up with some more solid designs and then continue to develop colour along with it. The deadline is looming and I feel like I still have so much to do! 😨
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