Monday, 11 December 2017

The 'What If?' Metropolis - UV Mapping Progress

After finishing the UV mapping for my house, I moved on to unwrapping the main building. I had a bit of help from Simon for this as I'm finding doing UV's really challenging. I just can't wrap my head around it! Here is the finished UV for the main building:

One thing you might notice is that I've deleted the top swirls from the building. I really didn't like the way they looked so I decided to get rid of them. Instead, I've done a bit of experimenting of what I can put on the top of the building and I came up with a nice solution in the image below! I actually made this by taking one of the bottom structures, duplicating it, and turning it upside down. I made a few different tweaks, like scaling certain faces to make it fit in nicely. I like this variation a lot more than the swirls, as I think there was too many of them which made it a bit confusing (and it looked messy!).

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